二手WT-200 无线网络测试仪回收
WT-200 无线网络测试仪■ 支持四路并行测试,测试效率成倍提升。
■ AP专属网口,使搭建测试环境更加简单。
■ 端口隔离度达90dB,完美保证了测试精度。
nput/Output frequency range 2400 to 2500 MHz
4900 to 6000 MHz
IF bandwidth 120 MHz
Input power range +30 dBm peak (+25 dBm average)
Output power range(CW) 10 to -100 dBm
Input power accuracy Specification: ± 0.5 dB
Typical: ± 0.3 dB
Output power accuracy Specification: ± 0.75 dB ( 0 to -90 dBm)
± 1.50 dB ( -90 to -100 dBm)
± 1.50 dB ( 0 to 10 dBm)
Typical: ± 0.50 dB ( 0 to -90 dBm)
± 1.00 dB ( -90 to -100 dBm)
± 1.00 dB ( 0 to 10 dBm)
Input/Output return loss > 13 dB
Sampling data rate 120 Msps
Port to Port Isolation > 60 dB
(full packet channel estimation): ≤ -44 dB for 20 M(typical: -49 dB)
≤ -42 dB for 40 M(typical: -46 dB)
≤ -40 dB for 80 M(typical: -43 dB)
Peak power VSA power accuracy:± 0.5 dB (+20 to -45 dBm)
RMS power
Frequency error VSA measurement error: ≤ ± 0.2 ppm calibrated
Spectral mask Spectral mask view: ± 60 MHz
Spectral flatness VSA flatness over 80 MHzBW: ± 0.5 dB
CCDF(complementary cumulative distribution function) Probability of peak signal power being greater than a given power level versus peak-to-average power ratio(Db)
TX output power VSA power accuracy:± 0.5 dB (+ 20 to - 45 dBm)
TX output spectrum
Modulation characteristics (For EVM better than -25 dB)
VSA measurement error:≤± 0.2 ppm calibrated
Carrier frequency tolerance
Carrier frequency drift
RMS EVM (EDR) Residual VSA EVM: ≤-35 dB (+20 to -30 dBm)
Residual VSG EVM: ≤-35 dB (-10 to -70 dBm)
Peak EVM (EDR)
Output power VSA power accuracy: ± 0.5 dB (+20 to -45 dBm)
Power spectral density
Center Frequency Tolerance VSA frequency accuracy: ≤ ± 0.2 ppm calibrated
EVM Offset:compensate the I and Q offset in OQPSK
Normal:no compensation applied
Other modulation quality measurements LO leakage,clock error,phase error,symbol clock error