——创业带动就业能力显着提升。培育更有活力、可持续、稳定的市场主体,直接创造更多就业岗位,带动相关行业就业岗位增加,促进就业机会公平和社会纵向流动,实现创新创业就业的良性循环。 “十三五”期间,全省新注册企业超过70万家,创造就业超过200万人。
1. 深化简政放权。进一步简化企业从成立到满足一般经营条件所需的环节,缩短办理时间,提高服务效率。到2018年底,全省实现企业开办时间压缩到3个工作日以内。探索扩大企业简易注销适用范围,缩短企业简易注销公示时间深入推进创新创业,支持未开业、无债权债务的企业快速退出市场。 (责任单位:省市场监管局)积极推动政府组织开展地震安全评估、地质灾害风险评估、规划环评、节能评估等“区域评估”工作。 (省发展改革委、省自然资源厅、省生态环境厅、省水利厅按职责分工负责)打破行政垄断,进一步清理废止规章制度全面落实全国统一市场准入负面清单,推动“禁入禁入”普遍实施。 (省发展改革委、省商务厅、省市场监管局按职责分工负责)
2. 营造公平的市场环境。加强社会信用体系建设,建立信用承诺、信息披露、信用分类、信用联合奖惩等全流程信用监管机制。 (省社会信用体系建设联席会议成员单位按职责分工负责)引导和规范共享经济健康健康发展,推动共享经济平台企业切实履行主体职责。 (省发展改革委、省经济和信息化厅、省市场监管局按职责分工负责)建立健全“互联网+”等新业态新模式高效监管机制教育”和“互联网+医疗”,严守安全、质量和社会稳定的底线。 (省教育厅、省卫健委、省市场监管局按职责分工负责)
3. 增加元素保护。加快构建覆盖全省、统筹联动、部门协同、统一录入的“互联网+政务服务”体系一、一站式办理,加快推进政务服务“一站式”服务企业和群众办事“只有一扇门”。 “最多运行一次”。构建全省一、多层次互联互通的数据共享交换平台体系,完善数据安全共享交换机制。 (全省加快推进“互联网+政务服务”工作领导小组成员单位按职责分工负责。)完善适应新就业形式的就业和社会保险制度。加快“网络社会保障”建设。 (责任单位:省人社厅、省医保局、省税务局)积极落实工业用地政策,深入推进城镇低效用地再开发,完善建设用地“附加押金挂钩”机制,优化土地利用结构,盘活存量。 ,闲置创新创业用地。 (责任单位:省自然资源厅)
4.加大财税政策支持力度。落实各项税收优惠政策,支持小微企业发展。 2018年1月1日至12月31日期间,企业为开展研发活动实际发生的研发费用尚未形成无形资产并计入当期损益的,在按规定实际扣除的基础上,2020年,按实际发生还款。 75%的无形资产成本应在税前扣除;形成无形资产的,在上述期间按无形资产成本的175%进行税前摊销。个人在二级市场买卖新三板股票,按国家规定免征个人所得税。国家级科技企业孵化器、大学科技园享受的免征房产税、增值税等优惠政策扩大到省级,符合条件的众创空间也可享受。 (省财政厅、省税务局、省科技厅按职责分工负责)
5.完善政府采购创新创业产品和服务等政策措施。实施支持创新和中小企业的政府采购政策。充分发挥采购政策作用,加大对重大创新产品和服务、核心关键技术的采购力度,扩大首次采购、订货等非招标方式的应用。 (责任单位:省财政厅)
6.加快首台(套)重大技术装备示范应用。贯彻落实《支持制造强省建设若干政策》和《安徽省首台(套)重大技术装备认定示范管理暂行办法》,对单位给予15%的补贴首台(套)单价,最高总价500万元;本省企业为首台(套)重大技术装备投保综合保险,按年保费的80%给予补助。 (省经济和信息化厅、省财政厅等按职责分工负责)加快军民两用科技产品开发推广应用。充分发挥众创、众筹、众包、虚拟创新创业社区等多种创新创业模式作用,引导中小企业等创新主体参与重大技术装备研发,加强众创成果与市场的有效对接。 (省发展改革委、省科技厅、省经济和信息化厅、省财政厅按职责分工负责)
7. 建立健全知识产权管理服务体系。印发《安徽省高价值专利认定与管理实施方案》,加快形成一批战略性高价值专利组合。加快建设“江淮知识产权对接交易平台”。在电子商务、食品药品、环保、安全生产等重点领域,以及会展、进出口等关键环节,开展“雷霆”专利执法维权专项行动,准确迅速打击假冒专利和重复集体侵权行为。积极运用在线识别、实时监控、溯源等“互联网+”技术,加强知识产权保护。 (责任单位:省知识产权局)
8.调动科研人员创新创业的积极性。鼓励和支持高校、科研院所等机构的专业技术人员离岗以科研项目和科研成果创业,保护离岗创业人员的合法权益,消除后顾之忧。完善科研人员评价机制,将科研人员在科技成果转化和参与创业项目中取得的成果作为职称评定、岗位竞争、绩效考核、收入分配、续约等重要依据建立健全校企、院企共建的科研人员双聘机制。 (省科技厅、省人力资源社会保障厅按职责分工负责)
9. 加强大学生创新创业教育培训。推进全省高校创业导师制度,深化社会责任、创新精神、实践能力“三位一体”人才培养模式改革,引导高校将创新创业教育融入社会责任、创新精神和实践能力。人才培养全过程,将创新创业教育和实践课程纳入高校必修课程体系,让大学生利用创业成果报考论文答辩。支持高等学校和职业院校(含技校)深化产教融合,深化校企合作,积极开展生产性实习。 (省教育厅、省人力资源社会保障厅按职责分工负责)
10.完善农民工返乡创业服务体系。深入推进农民工返乡创业试点,对被认定为国家级农民工返乡试点(示范)县的县给予最高200万元财政补助创业。支持和引导一批省级农民工返乡创业示范园区建设,每个园区给予120万元财政补助。 (省发展改革委、省人力资源社会保障厅按职责分工负责)建立健全创新创业返乡综合服务机构。 (责任单位:各市人民政府)进一步发挥创业担保贷款政策作用,鼓励金融机构按照规定为农村“双创”园区(基地)和公共服务平台提供金融服务。遵循市场化和商业可持续性的原则。 (人民银行合肥中心支行、省财政厅、省人力资源社会保障厅、省地方金融监管局按职责分工负责)各市、省直辖县不得低于全省发布的新增建设用地规划总数的2%。专门用于农村新产业新业态发展和新型农业经营主体配套设施建设。 (责任单位:省自然资源厅)
11.完善退伍军人创业支持政策和服务体系。加大退役军人培训力度,鼓励有条件的高等学校和职业院校(含技校)开展退役军人创业意识、创业素质培训、创业项目指导、企业管理等方面的培训。完善退役军人信息共享机制,积极搭建就业推荐平台,帮助退役军人和用人单位更好实现双向择业。大力支持退役军人就业创业,落实现有税收优惠政策,引导退役军人根据个人特点向科技服务业等新业态转移。支持退役军人参加创新创业大会和竞赛。 (省退役军人厅、省教育厅、省人力资源社会保障厅等按职责分工负责)
12. 提高海归、外籍人才创新创业便利化水平。加快建设省级留学人员创业园,选拔资助一批高层次人才回国开展创新创业项目。 (责任单位:省人力资源和社会保障厅)完善留学回国人员和外国高层次人才服务机制,进一步加大签证、出入境、社会保险、知识产权保护、落户、永久居留等方面的支持力度,和孩子的上学。 . (省人力资源和社会保障厅、省科技厅、省外办、省公安厅、省知识产权局、市人民政府按职责分工负责)
13. 鼓励更多群体参与创新创业。深入推进创新创业女性行动,鼓励和支持更多女性投身创新创业实践。 (责任单位:省妇联) 进一步落实《促进皖台经济文化交流若干措施》,不断深化皖台经济合作。 (责任单位:省台办)加快建设合肥国家海外人才离岸创新创业基地,探索海外人才离岸创新创业新模式。 (责任单位:合肥市人民政府)实施终身职业技能培训制度,将所有具有创业意愿和培训需求的劳动者纳入培训范围,针对不同创业群体、不同阶段、不同领域,更有针对性地开展创业培训,打造安徽“阶梯式创业培训”品牌。 (责任单位:省人力资源和社会保障厅)
14. 强化创新企业带动作用。在重点领域和关键环节部署建设制造业创新中心、技术创新中心、工程(技术)研究中心、企业技术中心等一批创新平台,充分发挥创新平台资源集聚优势。加大对“专、特、新”中小企业的扶持力度,对省认定的专、特、新、成长型小微企业,每户一次性奖励50万元。鼓励中小企业参与行业关键共性技术研发,持续提升企业创新能力,培育一批具有创新能力的制造业单项冠军企业,扩大制造业创新集群。完善企业家参与制定企业创新创业政策的机制。 (省经济和信息化厅、省科技厅、省发展改革委按职责分工负责)
15.推动高校科研院所创新创业深度融合。完善科技资源开放共享机制,鼓励科研人员为企业开展技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术培训等,促进科技创新创业深度融合。鼓励高校、科研院所和企业共同建立概念验证、孵化、孵化等基础研究成果转化服务平台。对高校和科研院所,每年评选支持一批创新性高、市场前景好的科技成果。 (省科技厅、省教育厅按职责分工负责)
16.完善科技成果转化的体制机制。加强科技成果源头管理,健全科技成果登记统计制度和信息发布机制。大力培育优质科技中介服务机构,形成一批专业化、高水平的科技中介服务法人。鼓励高校、科研院所、技术转移机构科技人员等科技中介服务机构和技术中介寻求和捕捉国内外先进技术成果,对寻求捕捉的机构给予奖励安徽省科技成果转化,产生效益。 (责任单位:省科技厅)
17. 提升孵化器和众创空间的服务水平。支持各地利用闲置厂房、仓库等,设立创业托儿所、创业社区、创业咖啡、创新工场等众创空间,积极引导众创空间向专业化、精细化方向升级。支持和引导高校、科研院所、重点企业建设一批顺应技术进步和产业升级趋势、聚焦细分行业的孵化器,强化创业培训、技术服务、企业管理、政策等功能指导。加快建设功能完备的加速器,优化完善创业辅导、金融金融、法律咨询等服务。 (责任单位:省科技厅)
18.搭建大中型企业融合发展的平台。根据国家部署实施大中型企业融合发展专项行动计划,加快培育一批基于互联网的大企业创新创业平台和国家小企业公共服务示范平台。和中型企业。 (责任单位:省经济和信息化厅)鼓励大中型企业开展内部创业,鼓励有条件的企业依法依规发起或参与设立公益性创业基金,鼓励企业自主创业。入股并投资于内部创业项目。鼓励国有企业探索以子公司形式建立创新创业平台,推动混合所有制改革与创新创业深度融合。 (省国资委、省经济和信息化厅、省发展改革委按职责分工负责)进一步推进小微企业双创建设示范基地。 (责任单位:省经济和信息化厅)推进供应链创新应用,加快形成大中型企业专业化分工合作的产业供应链体系。 (责任单位:省商务厅)
19. 深入推进工业互联网创新发展。落实工业互联网三年行动计划,强化财政资金引导作用,加快发展工业互联网。引进和培育工业互联网平台,形成覆盖广、层次多、功能强大的网络平台体系。实施“安徽企业上云”行动计划,推动我省工业企业上云。推广总结一批优秀的工业互联网APP解决方案。鼓励产学研合作建设工业互联网创新中心,开展关键共性技术研究、标准制定和实验验证。 (责任单位:省经济和信息化厅)
20.完善“互联网+”创新创业服务体系。创新搭建“安徽创业服务云平台”,及时发布创新创业先进经验和典型做法,进一步降低各类创新创业主体获取政策信息的门槛和时间成本。 (责任单位:省人社厅)完善“双创”线上服务,推动各地建立线上服务平台,动态掌握平台内部孵化业务信息、融资需求等,提供精准服务和精准政策。 (责任单位:省科技厅)
21.打造专注创新创业的品牌。组织好全国大众创业万众创新周分会场活动,充分发挥“创造中国”安徽创新创业大赛、“创客中国”安徽省创新创业大赛、“赢在江淮”安徽省创业大赛、“创青春”“安徽青年创新创业大赛”、“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛、安徽农村双创项目创意大赛、中国创新创业大赛安徽赛区赛等赛事,加强跟踪support for outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship projects in the event activities. Actively create innovative and entrepreneurial brands of "Hui Girl" and "Anhui Sister", and continuously improve brand influence and social credibility. (The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Provincial Women's Federation, and the Provincial Science and Technology Association are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
(六)Promote the upgrading of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" financial services, and strive to solve the financing problems of innovation and entrepreneurship.
22. Guide financial institutions to effectively serve the financing needs of innovation and entrepreneurship. Encourage local corporate financial institutions to scientifically segment markets and customers, and provide targeted financial products and differentiated services for local innovation and entrepreneurship. Urge banking institutions to improve the financial service mechanism for small and micro enterprises, and give grassroots branches more authority to approve and grant loans to small and micro enterprises. Support local corporate banking institutions to set up specialized departments for science and technology finance, and formulate separate performance appraisal mechanisms, risk pricing and tolerance mechanisms. Strengthen the positioning and supervision of small and medium-sized rural financial institutions, and cultivate and develop village banks. Continue to promote the establishment of inclusive financial systems and mechanisms for banking financial institutions. Support banking financial institutions to actively and steadily develop M&A loan business, and improve the level of financial services for mergers and acquisitions of start-up enterprises. (Anhui Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Local Financial Regulatory Bureau, and Hefei Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
23. Give full play to the role of venture capital in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. Encourage provincial state-owned venture capital enterprises to strengthen their connection with various national venture capital guidance funds. Encourage powerful angel investors to cooperate with maker spaces, incubators, accelerators and industrial parks rich in innovation and entrepreneurship resources in the province, and build an information exchange and cooperation platform between angel investors and start-up companies and venture capital companies. Support Hefei, Wuhu, Bengbu and other cities to build venture capital clusters. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
24. Expand direct financing channels for innovation and entrepreneurship. Support innovative companies with good development potential but not yet profitable to go public or to be listed on the New Third Board and the provincial and regional equity markets. Promote technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and venture capital enterprises to issue debt financing, and support qualified enterprises to issue special debt financing instruments for "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". In accordance with the national equity crowdfunding risk special rectification work requirements, establish a long-term supervision mechanism and standardize the development of Internet equity financing platforms. (The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Anhui Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, the Hefei Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
25. Improve differentiated financial support policies for innovation and entrepreneurship. Support banking institutions to improve intellectual property assessment and risk control systems, and explore the development of intellectual property pledge financing business. Support banking financial institutions to explore and carry out external investment-loan linkage business cooperation, and promote innovation in technology financial service models. Support insurance companies to provide guarantee insurance services for intellectual property financing of small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises, and play the role of financing credit enhancement. Implement an information cooperation mechanism for key projects in strategic emerging industries to provide more targeted and adaptable financial products and services for strategic emerging industries. (The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Anhui Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, and the Hefei Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
(七)Promote the upgrade of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" carriers and accelerate the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship development highland.
26. Create a source of scientific and technological innovation with international influence. The state-level Hefei Binhu New Area will be planned to a high standard, the construction of a world-class Binhu Science City will be accelerated, and the ability to participate in global scientific and technological competition and cooperation will be comprehensively enhanced. Accelerate the construction of a comprehensive national science center in Hefei, build large scientific installations such as a fusion reactor host key system comprehensive research facility at a high level, and form a number of internationally leading original achievements in the fields of quantum information and nuclear fusion. , life science and other fields to form a number of leading and disruptive technologies. Speed up the construction of "Digital Jianghuai" center. Recruit talents from a global perspective, introduce and cultivate a large number of international-level scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams. (Hefei Municipal People's Government, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Provincial Science and Technology Department are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
27. Cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship clusters. Promote strategic emerging industry agglomeration development bases and high-tech development zones to focus on strategic emerging industries, build park supporting and service systems, vigorously cultivate new economies, new business forms, and new models, and give full play to the cluster effect of innovation and entrepreneurship. Encourage qualified economic and technological development zones or economic development zones to create different types of characteristic carriers of innovation and entrepreneurship, such as large and medium-sized enterprises that are integrated, and those supported by scientific and technological resources. Actively strive to create a comprehensive national industrial innovation center and enhance the innovation capabilities of key core technologies. Accelerate the construction of a collaborative innovation network in the Yangtze River Delta region. (The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Commerce are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
28. Accelerate the construction of demonstration bases for "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". Actively support qualified enterprises, universities and research institutes, and development parks to create national-level "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration bases. Support Hefei High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Wuhu High-tech Industrial Development Zone and other "entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration bases to accelerate the accumulation of advantageous resources such as capital, talents, technology, and policies. Support the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to accelerate the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and gradually transform talent advantages and scientific and technological advantages into industrial advantages. Support Hefei Royalstar Electronics Group Co., Ltd. "Double Creation" Demonstration base to be driven by mechanism innovation to continuously enhance brand value. Actively promote the construction of the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration base alliance in the Yangtze River Delta, share innovation and entrepreneurship resources, and jointly build an innovation and entrepreneurship support platform. Promoting qualified "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration bases to actively carry out international cooperation in innovation and entrepreneurship. (Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Hefei and Wuhu Municipal People's Governments are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
(一)Strengthen policy co-ordination. Give full play to the co-ordination role of the Provincial Joint Conference on Promoting Mass Entrepreneurship and Mass Innovation, establish an efficient coordination mechanism between departments and between departments and localities, and make overall use of the "three majors and one innovation", manufacturing strong Provincial, scientific and technological innovation and other special funds to promote the effective connection of policies and measures to support innovation and entrepreneurship in science and technology, finance, finance and taxation, and talents. , and do a good job in the statistical monitoring of innovation and entrepreneurship in the province. (Responsible unit: Provincial Bureau of Statistics)
(二)Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. All localities and departments should formulate specific implementation plans based on actual conditions, clarify work goals, and implement the division of tasks. Carry out actions to relieve the pain points of innovation and entrepreneurship, and sort out the pain points that restrict innovation and entrepreneurship. If there are any problems, please urge them to solve them within a time limit. (Members of the Municipal People's Governments and Provinces Joint Conference on Promoting Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
(三)Strengthen demonstration and guidance. In-depth implementation of the "Four Free One Service" Double Thousand Project, strengthen the publicity of innovation and entrepreneurship policies and experience, and create a good atmosphere for public opinion. Hold experience exchange meetings and on-site observation meetings to strengthen advanced experience and the promotion and application of typical practices. (Responsible units: Municipal People's Governments)
Anhui Provincial People's Government
December 23, 2018